Endless Turns Nine: 9 Fun Facts About Endless!

Last week marked 9 years since the start of Endless: developing our vision, Endless Operating System, various hardware solutions, and partnerships for those in-need around the world. Now as the nonprofit Endless OS Foundation, we're set for even stronger social impact – and higher leaps!

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To celebrate, here are nine fun facts about Endless:

  1. The idea for the first low-cost Endless PC was sparked in India by considering combining the ubiquitous TV screen + the soon-to-explode mobile phone market in developing countries.

  2. Endless launched in Silicon Valley and Brazil in 2012: we were global in year one!

  3. The Endless OS was developed for offline communities, and comes pre-loaded with internet content and apps that do not require Internet.

  4. Half of the Endless OS staff is made up of software engineers. We code a lot!

  5. Endless feels that gaming and learning to code is an important part of any education.

  6. There’s a GNOME living inside of our Operating System.

  7. Our OS allows access to free and open-source software (FOSS) that competes with expensive professional grade commercial software – and it’s FREE.

  8. Over the years, we have designed both hardware and software solutions for our communities around the world.

  9. Our OS has been deployed on over 5 million PCs worldwide.

    (And one extra for fun): After 8 years as a for-profit company, Endless transitioned to the nonprofit Endless OSFoundation in 2020.

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