Falling for STEM: Eight Coding Activities Perfect for Autumn

With the weather changing for fall, it’s a perfect time to cozy up inside, build coding skills, and learn more about computer science. Check out these virtual STEM and coding games and events perfect for autumn!

For Kids

Terminal Two: Crowded Sprouts (On your time; Intermediate level): The fall vegetable harvest is here! Learn about arrays, multi-dimensionality, functions, and order of execution in this fun farming game where players must correctly use actions to seed, water, harvest, and till potted plants to help them grow.

Kodable Fuzzy Fall Harvest (Unplugged Activity) (On your time; grades K-3): Can’t make it to a corn maze this fall? How about designing your own and helping lead participants to the finish by coding a sequence of events instead? This unplugged, offline coding activity will remind you of all things fall while learning about coding.

Ted-Ed’s “How Do Computers Work?” Playlist (On your time; various ages): When the weather starts changing, cozy up to Ted-Ed’s “How Do Computers Work?” video playlist to learn more about the ins and outs of how computers function.

Tynker Code Your Own Autumn Leaves (On your time; grades 5+): Create a free account on Tynker to access this DIY fall screensaver, which allows you to learn about building code while personalizing the falling leaves!

CodinGame Fall Challenge 2021 (Dates not yet specified, various ages): Practice and learn coding skills while having fun and meet other passionate and enthusiastic developers during this global coding contest. 

CodeDay 2021 (November 13-14, 2021): CodeDay gets beginners excited about coding with simultaneous weekend events in cities around the world. Virtual CodeDay invites thousands of students to make new friends, get guidance from industry professional mentors, and make an amazing app or game in just 48 hours. The free event is beginner-friendly for new coders!

For Educators/Parents

CSforAll Summit (October 19-20, 2021): Join the 5th Annual Virtual CSforALL Summit and join the K-12 computer education science community for a full agenda of national computer science education matters. This year’s topic is “Change Happens with Partnerships in Places” and will include sessions on topics like sustainable computer science education in communities, racial injustice, and building local capacity. 

Plan Ahead for The Hour of Code 2021 (December 6-12, 2021): This worldwide event celebrates computer science with 1-hour coding activities that demystify “code” and show anyone can learn the basics. The annual Hour of Code takes place each year during Computer Science Education Week (but you can host an hour all year-round!).