Spotlight on Studios: Appsinnovate in Cairo, Egypt

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Kareem Abdullatif is the cofounder of Appsinnovate, a software and gaming company with an expertise in the intersection of education and entertainment.

As part of the Spotlight on Studios series, we asked Kareem about what his team is working on—happily, it’s an Endless project—and the most powerful lever that he makes sure to build into Appsinnovate games.

Q. Can you tell me about the Appsinnovate team and what was it like to work with Endless?

Appsinnovate is a software house and game development studio that was founded back in 2012. It’s based out of Egypt with a team of over thirty members (developers, artists, designers, testers, analysts and project managers). All screens at Appsinnovate show nothing but absolute innovation and creativity.

The name of the project we were working for Endless on was The Passage. I thought the game theme, storyline, and graphics were amazing. But what is more exciting about the game is the fact that we were making something that kids are not only going to be playing with for the sake of fun, but additionally to help them learn something we are very passionate about: coding.

There are a number of values we try to build into our games. The one that I personally like most is imagination. Imagination is like air to kids. The Passage requires a good deal of imagination from the player in order to be able to beat many of the levels and puzzles that he or she faces. 

The whole team was extremely enthusiastic about this project since we believe it will directly increase the passion that kids have for coding. Even among the team members who were not involved in the project, many play tested or contributed to the project in one way or another, just because they wanted to participate in affecting the kids who may play the game. 

This was the first time we as management have seen the team so happy.

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